Citizens for Brentwood Green Space, Inc. is a tax deductible 501 (C)(3) Corporation
We appreciate your contribution to promoting green space in Brentwood. If you wish to make a donation to CBGS, you can donate using your PayPal account, a Credit Card, or by sending us a check. Click on the donate button below to make your contribution. We thank you for any amount you can provide.
The Citizens for Brentwood Green Space (CBGS) seeks to unite the citizens of Brentwood,TN in support of Brentwood leadership in their quest to manage growth while preserving the quality of life and maintaining low tax rates. Key to meeting that objective is to preserve open space in the form of parks, trails, flood plains and historic sites while being sensitive to the rights of landowners and developers.
Why not order a commemorative Brentwood 50th birthday t-shirt. The Citizens for Brentwood Green Space is partnering with the City to sell short-sleeved ($20) and three-quarter sleeve T-shirts ($30) with the historic map illustration. Click on the "Register" menu link or "Register Now" button and select "Register with t-shirt" when the Eventbrite site page appears. You can also buy t-shirts at the Walk in the Park event.All net proceeds from the T-shirt sales will go directly to benefit Brentwood city parks. Of course, we appreciate any donations you wish to make beyond the cost of the shirts. T-shirts can be picked up during the event. (Sorry, we cannot mail or deliver the t-shirts to you. If you are unable to pick up the shirts at the Walk, they will be available at Brentwood City Hall after the event).
T-shirt Online Store
Even though you can buy these commemorative T-shirts in person at any of the City sponsored events celebrating the 50th birthday and at our Walk in the Park event, we do offer an online store to purchase these T-shirts. However, in the online store, theshort-sleeved and three-quarter sleeve T-shirts cost $23 and $34, respectively; and we do not offer shipping or delivery. Shirts ordered online are to be self picked-up at the Brentwood City Hall. All online store orders will be available for local pickup 3 days after your order only at:
Brentwood City Hall
5211 Maryland Way
Brentwood, TN 37027
It should be noted that you will not be able to purchase t-shirts at the City Hall. You are only able to pick up your shirts from ordering online.
To access the online store, click on the following link: