During the Spring of 1993, I was in Washington, D.C. conducting
research for my first book, "But, for the Grace of God..." which
dealt with the explosive growth of A.A. in the 1940's.
While working in the Intergroup Archives, I came across a 20-page
pamphlet, first published in September 1944, which described in detail the
"Beginners' Classes" as they were being taught in Washington, D.C. I learned
that the pamphlet had been reprinted many times and had been distributed throughout the
United States in the 1940's and 1950's.
This pamphlet started a four-year odyssey that resulted in the
publication of "Back to Basics - The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners' Meetings -
"Here are the Steps we took..." in Four One-Hour Sessions".
Because the Washington D.C. pamphlet is mentioned in both books, I have
had numerous requests for reprints of this very important piece of A.A. history. This
pamphlet is presently printed in it's entirety by The Detroit Michicigan Intergroup
Office. The price is $.35 per copy.
Alcoholics Anonymous of Greater Detroit
380 Hilton Road
Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 541-6565
Our thanks to Michael O'B. for providing us, on 2/25/99, with the
correct address for the Detroit Michigan Intergroup Office. We are sorry for any
inconvenience that we may have been caused by posting the wrong address.